🤲 Explore Tafsir by visiting the individual ayat pages. 🤲 Change audio playback speed if you want to read a little faster. Minimize audio player for more screen space. Karena Surat Al-Waqi’ah merupakan salah satu yang dikenal sebagai surat yang memiliki rahasia dahsyat dan penuh berkah. 🤲 Auto-scroll feature: Press play and the ayah will automatically be highlighted and the screen will scroll to give the correct position. Bagi seseorang yang belum mengetahui manfaat dan rahasia mengamalkan surat Al-Waqi’ah secara rutin, dan dia mengamalkannya, Berbahaya. 🤲 You can listen to the MP3 audio of Surah Waqiah with the beautiful recitation by Mishary Al-Alfasy. 🤲 Understand the Qur’an with various respected English translations. mereka itulah orang yang dekat (kepada Allah). Tafsir Al Waqiah Ayat 1-26 Surah Al Waaqi’ah (Hari Kiamat Yang Pasti Terjadi) Surah ke-56. Your cart will total 18 loyalty points that can be converted into a voucher of 0.18. Home » Juz 27 » Tafsir Al Waqiah » Tafsir Al Waqiah Ayat 1-26. Surat yang berada di juz ke-27 ini berjumlah 96. Tafsir Of Surah Al-Waqiah By buying this product you can collect up to 18 loyalty points.

Surat Al Waqiah merupakan surat ke-56 dalam Al Quran. Surat ini berjumlah 96 ayat, memiliki keutamaan bagi orang yang membacanya seperti dijauhkan dari kemiskinan. 🤲 Not strong in reading Arabic? Read with transliteration to help you with the pronunciation. Surat Al Waqiah diturunkan sebagai pengingat akan datanganya hari kiamat kepada muslim. 🤲 Here you can read Surah Waqiah in Arabic text. Our mission is to make it easy to read and understand the Qur’an. Last group is those who deniers and Allah will judge them accordingly. Search anything in Quran and understand its content with AI search technology and reliable sources in Learn Quran Tafsir. Filed Under: Al Quran Tagged With: al waqiah, download, mp3, murhatal.
#Tafsir surat al waqiah download#
Demikian link yang bisa kami bagikan, semoga bermanfaat, dan berikut link download lainnya yang bisa anda unduh. Download Mp3 Surat Al Waqiah Merdu Wanita Irama Bayyat qari Oleh Yosi Nofita Sari silahkan klik Download. The believers are those who also have been faithful and benefits from their rewards. Download Mp3 Surat Al Waqiah Merdu Wanita. The pioneers are a large number from the earlier communities.

The faithful are of two types: those who are the pioneers and the other the believers.

On this day humans will be placed in three different groups. Ya Allah, mudahkanlah bagiku beroleh rezeki dari yang halal-baik, perkenankanlah do’aku demi berkat Surah Al-Waqi’ah dan demi nama yang agung dan demi kebenaran junjungan kami Muhammad s.a.w., dan keluarga dan sahabat-sahabatnya yang baik-baik, suci dari (kedosaan) dan demi kekuasaan, kehebatan, ke Esa-an-Mu, Tuhan yang sebaik-baik pemberi. The Surah talks about the inevitable referring to resurrection and Qiyamah. Then, just as the system of the heavens set and planned by God is stable and unalterable, and does not ever admit of the slightest variation, so also are the truths and instructions given, in this Book stable and unalterable: no part of these can be changed or displaced in any way.“Is it you who brought it down from the clouds, or is it We who bring it down? If We willed, We could make it bitter, so why are you not grateful?”
#Tafsir surat al waqiah code#
Just as there exists perfect consistency and harmony among the countless stars and planets found in the countless galaxies of the universe, whereas apparently they seem to be scattered, so also this Book presents a perfectly consistent, and systematic code of life in which detailed guidance has been given, on the basis of belief, about morals, modes of worship, civilization and culture, economic and social life, law and justice, peace and war, in short, about every aspect of human life, and there is nothing out of harmony with the other, whereas this system of thought has been expressed in scattered verses and discourses given on different occasions. The same God Who has created that system has also sent down this Word. The oath implies that just as the system of the celestial bodies is firm and stable, so also is this divine Word firm and stable. The places of the stars: the positions and phases and orbits of the stars and planets. (56:77) that this indeed is a noble Qur’an, ģ7.